A Survey of Poisoning Attacks and Countermeasures in Recommender Systems
Awesome RecSys Poisoning
I. Introduction
Recommender systems have become an integral part of online services to help users locate specific information in a sea of data. However, existing studies show that some recommender systems are vulnerable to poisoning attacks, particularly those that involve learning schemes. A poisoning attack is where an adversary injects carefully crafted data into the process of training a model, with the goal of manipulating the system's final recommendations. Based on recent advancements in artificial intelligence, such attacks have gained importance recently. At present, we do not have a full and clear picture of why adversaries mount such attacks, nor do we have comprehensive knowledge of the full capacity to which such attacks can undermine a model or the impacts that might have. While numerous countermeasures to poisoning attacks have been developed, they have not yet been systematically linked to the properties of the attacks. Consequently, assessing the respective risks and potential success of mitigation strategies is difficult, if not impossible. This survey aims to fill this gap by primarily focusing on poisoning attacks and their countermeasures. This is in contrast to prior surveys that mainly focus on attacks and their detection methods. Through an exhaustive literature review, we provide a novel taxonomy for poisoning attacks, formalise its dimensions, and accordingly organise 30+ attacks described in the literature. Further, we review 40+ countermeasures to detect and/or prevent poisoning attacks, evaluating their effectiveness against specific types of attacks. This comprehensive survey should serve as a point of reference for protecting recommender systems against poisoning attacks. The article concludes with a discussion on open issues in the field and impactful directions for future research.
II. List of Poisoning Attacks (Sortable)
Paper Title Venue Year Note
Poisoning Attacks against Recommender Systems: A Survey arXiv 2024 Focus on benchmarking
Manipulating vulnerability: Poisoning attacks and countermeasures in federated cloud–edge–client learning for image classification KBS 2023 Focus on federated learning
A Survey on Data Poisoning Attacks and Defenses DSC 2022 Not focus on recommender systems
A survey of attack detection approaches in collaborative filtering recommender systems Artificial Intelligence Review 2021 Classic heuristic attacks only
Understanding Shilling Attacks and Their Detection Traits: A Comprehensive Survey IEEE Access 2020 Classic heuristic attacks only
Shilling attacks against collaborative recommender systems: a review Artificial Intelligence Review 2020 Classic heuristic attacks only
A Comparative Study on Shilling Detection Methods for Trustworthy Recommendations SESC 2018 Classic heuristic attacks only
A comparative study of shilling attack detectors for recommender systems ICSSSM 2015 Classic heuristic attacks only
III. List of Countermeasures (Sortable)
Paper Venue Year Type Data Code
Poisoning GNN-based recommender systems with generative surrogate-based attacks ACM TOIS 2023 Model-intrinsic FR, ML, AMCP, LF -
Shilling Black-Box Recommender Systems by Learning to Generate Fake User Profiles IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst 2022 Model-agnostic ML, FT, YE, AAT -
Knowledge enhanced Black-box Attacks for Recommendations KDD 2022 Model-agnostic ML, BC, LA -
LOKI: A Practical Data Poisoning Attack Frameworkagainst Next Item Recommendations TKDE 2022 Model-agnostic ABT, St,GOW -
Pipattack: Poisoning federated recommender systems for manipulating item promotion WSDM 2022 Model-intrinsic ML, AMCP -
Poisoning Deep Learning based Recommender Model in Federated Learning Scenarios IJCAI 2022 Model-intrinsic ML, ADM Python
FedAttack: Effective and Covert Poisoning Attack on Federated Recommendation via Hard Sampling Arxiv 2022 Model-intrinsic ML, ABT Python
UA-FedRec: Untargeted Attack on Federated News Recommendation Arxiv 2022 Model-intrinsic MIND, Feeds Python
Triple Adversarial Learning for Influence based Poisoning Attack in Recommender Systems KDD 2021 Model-agnostic ML, FT Python
Reverse Attack: Black-box Attacks on Collaborative Recommendation CSS 2021 Model-agnostic ML, NF, AMB & ADM, TW, G+, CIT -
Attacking Black-box Recommendations via Copying Cross-domain User Profiles ICDE 2021 Model-agnostic ML, NF -
Simulating real profiles for shilling attacks: A generative approach KBS 2021 Model-agnostic ML -
Ready for emerging threats to recommender systems? A graph convolution-based generative shilling attack IS 2021 Model-agnostic DB, CI Python
Data poisoning attacks on neighborhoodbased recommender systems ETT 2021 Model-intrinsic FT, ML, AMV -
Data Poisoning Attack against Recommender System Using Incomplete and Perturbed Data KDD 2021 Model-intrinsic ML, AIV -
Black-Box Attacks on Sequential Recommenders via Data-Free Model Extraction RecSys 2021 Model-intrinsic ML,St, ABT Python
Poisoning attacks against knowledge graph-based recommendation systems using deep reinforcement learning Neural. Comput. Appl. 2021 Model-intrinsic ML, FTr -
Adversarial Item Promotion: Vulnerabilities at the Core of Top-N Recommenders that Use Images to Address Cold Start WWW 2021 Model-intrinsic AMMN, TC Python
Data poisoning attacks to deep learning based recommender systems arXiv 2021 Model-intrinsic ML, LA -
Practical data poisoning attack against next-item recommendation WWW 2020 Model-intrinsic ABT -
Influence function based data poisoning attacks to top-n recommender systems WWW 2020 Model-intrinsic YE, ADM -
Attacking recommender systems with augmented user profiles CIKM 2020 Model-agnostic ML, FT, AAT -
Poisonrec: an adaptive data poisoning framework for attacking black-box recommender systems ICDE 2020 Model-agnostic St, AMCP, ML -
Revisiting adversarially learned injection attacks against recommender systems RecSys 2020 Model-agnostic GOW Python
Adversarial attacks on an oblivious recommender RecSys 2019 Model-intrinsic ML -
Targeted poisoning attacks on social recommender systems GLOBECOM 2019 Model-intrinsic FT -
Data poisoning attacks on cross-domain recommendation CIKM 2019 Model-intrinsic NF, ML -
Poisoning attacks to graph-based recommender systems ACSAC 2018 Model-intrinsic ML, AIV -
Fake Co-visitation Injection Attacks to Recommender Systems NDSS 2017 Model-intrinsic YT, eB, AMV, YE, LI -
Data poisoning attacks on factorization-based collaborative filtering NIPS 2016 Model-intrinsic ML Python
Shilling recommender systems for fun and profit WWW 2004 Model-agnostic ML
IV. Datasets
Dataset Name
AAT Amazon Automotive
ABT Amazon Beauty
ADM Amazon Digital Music
AIV Amazon Instant Video
AMB Amazon Book
AMMN Amazon Men
AMV Amazon Movie
AMCP Amazon Cell-phone
AMP Amazon Product
BC Book-Crossing
CI Ciao
CIT Citation Network
DB Douban
eB eBay
EM Eachmovie
EP Epinions
Feeds Microsoft news App
FR FRappe - Mobile App Recommendations
FT Film Trust
Ftr Fund Transactions
G+ Google+
GOW Gowalla
MIND Microsoft News
LA Last.fm
LI Linkedin
LT LibraryThing
ML MovieLens
NF Netflix
St Steam
TC Tradesy
Trip TripAdvisor
TW Twitter [Code]
YE Yelp
YT YouTube
SYNC Synthetic datasets
V. Citations
Source: https://github.com/tamlhp/awesome-recsys-poisoning
Paper:   https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.14942
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